El programa Erasmus té per objectiu recolzar el desenvolupament educatiu, professional i personal de les persones en l’àmbit de la Formació Professional, dins d’Europa i fora del seu territori. El programa Erasmus és un instrument clau per al desenvolupament d’un Espai Europeu d’Educació, recolzat en la cooperació estratègica europea en el camp de l’educació i la formació.
L’Institut Provençana promou a través de la cooperació transnacional amb institucions comunitàries diverses iniciatives per a la mobilitat de persones per a l’aprenentatge, la innovació i millora de la qualitat de la formació professional a través de la Unitat de Programes Internacionals de Formació Professional del Departament d’Educació i del SEPIE.
Convocatories Erasmus+
Institut Provençana has a clear international vocation and is involved in European mobility projects since 1998. The European mobility promotion is one of its strategic objectives and takes part in the Educational Project of the Centre. Since 2007 our centre has carried out mobility projects of stays in companies in France thanks to the Erasmus programme participation. That year we also obtained the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), which was renewed for the period 2014-2020.
Since 2010 we belong to the Netinvet network, a European association for cooperation between institutesthat teach Advanced cycles of International Trade and Transport and Logistics, to promote mobility for studies and internships in European companies. This project allowed us for the realization of an annual students exchange between French institutes and Institut Provençana, reaching long-term relationships.
As the years have passed beyond, we have enlarged and strengthened our relations with different European institutes and companies from different countries, performing mobilities in Germany, Austria, Slovenia, France, Italy or the United Kingdom. Thanks to these relations with different institutions from Europe, international mobility projects have been developed whom students, as well as the staff, companies, and other related institutions, have benefit.
At Institut Provençana, we believe that it is an excellent opportunity, both for our students and the staff of the centre, to take part in the Erasmus programme. In student mobilities, we organize mobilities for placements (SMP – Student Mobility for Placements), and mobilities for studies (SMS – Students Mobility fot Studies) in our partner centres, allowing them to complete their training in European higher education centres. For the staff, we organize training mobilities (STT – Staff Mobility for Training) in companies and training courses.
Our institute is a reference teacher training centre in the area. We have teachers who speak foreign languages fluently and has performed the required training to use CLIL methodology on their lessons. This implies that they can teach some formative units in English or French, improving our students’ linguistic competences while easing the integration of visitor students.
Our centre also participates in different mobility consortium and European cross-border cooperation networks with other educational institutions, to carry out mobility projects that allow improving the quality of professional training, exchange experiences with foreign centres and open new paths of professional and human development to our educational community.
At Institut Provençana, we have as main objectives in our internationalization strategy:
Our institute is a Vocational Training centre of Intermediate and Advanced cycles that offers mobility to its five professional branches: Administration and management, Commerce and marketing, Construction and civil engineering, Information and communications technology and Chemistry. In recent years mobilities have been launched in Intermediate cycles and this year we have requested our Project to the National Agency (SEPIE). Most of the mobilities carried out in High Education are studies internships, we also carry out mobility studies with High Education institutes
Our internationalization strategy involves local, regional, national, and international institutions, which contribute to the internationalization of the Institute at different levels. Participation in consortiums that organize mobility activities for students and staff, allows diversifying the international mobility programs in which we participate, increasing participation of the educational community and improving the quality of the projects through collaboration with different institutions.
Institut Provençana recognizes the benefits of participation in mobility actions brings to the centre, therefore, we intend to continue carrying out KA1 mobility actions, for students and staff, that allow us to continue improving the quality of our teaching, strengthen relationships with our partners and develop new projects that allow us to achieve the stated objectives. However, we are also opened to participating in key actions - KA2, of cooperation for innovation, exchange of good practices. We consider that the expansion of cross-border cooperation actions reinforces our school strategy, assuming a positive impact for the entire educational community.
Our centre participates in networks and programmes of innovation and entrepreneurship from the Education Department, establishing a close relationship with companies from the sectors of the different branches taught. Besides, Institut Provençana is a reference teacher training centre, offering courses on new methodologies uses in classroom. Therefore, we believe that we could participate in some strategic partnership to promote innovation and the exchange of experiences and competencies amongst organizations.
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